Chiropractic Services

Traditional Chiropractic
The most frequently used chiropractic technique is a manual manipulation or frequently called a chiropractic adjustment. It is a controlled force applied by hand on a joint or a bone. The amount of force depends on factors such as the condition or age of the patient. The goal is to improve mechanical function in order to improve the patient’s health. Manual manipulation is a very specific force applied in a very specific direction. and requires years of training and practice in order to be efficient.

Impulse Adjustor
Impulse adjusting is very similar to manual manipulation; however, it involves an electrical instrument in order to adjust the joints or bones that are not moving properly. This way to restore proper movement in the joints or bones can be used instead of manual manipulation or in conjunction with it depending on the injury or the comfort level of the patient. It is quite a popular form of treatment for older patients or children.

Laser Therapy
For certain injuries, the use of laser may be beneficial. Laser therapy reduces inflammation and can be a good pain reliever. However, its most important benefit is that it accelerates tissue regeneration…simply put, it stimulates the cells that our body uses to better heal an injury.

Foot Orthotics
Sometimes, custom-made orthotics are necessary to help a patient with certain conditions. Orthotics work on your feet a lot like how glasses work on your eyes. They are used to reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet in proper alignment.
At our clinic, we use 2 different companies to make our foot orthotics in order to find the best product for each individual patient.